Understanding Ulcerative Colitis: 10 Symptoms in Women You Need to Know

3. Blood in Stool: A Worrying Indicator of Inflammation

Blood in Stool A Worrying Indicator of Inflammation

Blood in the stool is a concerning symptom of ulcerative colitis that should not be overlooked. The presence of blood can range from a small amount of bright red blood to more significant amounts of dark, tarry, or even bloody stool. This symptom is a result of the inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal lining, causing bleeding in the affected areas.

It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional if you notice blood in your stool, as this could indicate severe inflammation or other underlying health issues. Diagnostic tests, such as colonoscopy or stool analysis, may be performed to determine the extent of inflammation and inform the best course of treatment.

Treatment options for reducing inflammation and bleeding in the intestine may include anti-inflammatory medications, immunosuppressive drugs, or, in severe cases, surgery. Additionally, iron supplements may be recommended to address potential anemia resulting from blood loss. (3)

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