Understanding Ulcerative Colitis: Unraveling the Top 10 Causes

Cause 7: Hormonal Influence: The Role of Sex Hormones

Hormonal Influence The Role of Sex Hormones

The interplay between hormones and ulcerative colitis brings us to the seventh cause of this condition. In particular, sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone have been found to significantly influence the development and progression of UC.

Sex hormones, besides their primary roles in sexual development and reproduction, can modulate the immune response. They can influence how the body reacts to foreign substances, including bacteria in the gut. In UC, an overactive immune response is a key problem, and sex hormones can play a part in this.

Interestingly, these hormones can also affect the composition of the gut microbiome. As we’ve seen, an imbalance in the gut microbiome is a significant contributor to UC. This connection might explain why women are generally more susceptible to UC and why their symptoms often fluctuate with their menstrual cycles.

Pregnancy, a time of significant hormonal changes, can impact UC. Some women experience an improvement in UC symptoms during pregnancy, while others may see their symptoms worsen. Understanding this hormonal influence is crucial in managing UC during these critical periods. (7)

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