Understanding Cholesteatoma: Top 10 Symptoms to Look Out For

3. Ear Fullness: The Sensation of Pressure

Ear Fullness The Sensation of Pressure

A feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear is a common symptom of Cholesteatoma. It’s caused by the growth within the ear. This sensation can be both uncomfortable and disorienting.

Individuals might feel like their ear is blocked or full. This sensation can fluctuate. It often becomes more noticeable in certain positions or during activities like swallowing.

The expanding cyst of Cholesteatoma creates pressure in the ear canal and middle ear. This pressure disrupts normal ear function. It leads to the sensation of fullness.

Reporting this symptom to a healthcare provider is important. It’s a clue to the presence of an abnormal growth in the ear. Early detection can lead to more effective management of the condition. (3)

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