Understanding Vascular Dementia: An Exploration of the Top 10 Symptoms

Symptom 2. Slowed Thinking

Slowed Thinking

Slowed thinking, or bradyphrenia, is another prominent symptom of vascular dementia. Just as the name implies, this symptom manifests as a noticeable slowing down of thought processes. It’s as though the person’s cognitive speed has been dialed down, making it harder for them to process information, respond to questions, or engage in conversation.

Individuals with slowed thinking might take longer to grasp what is being said or asked of them. Conversations can become laborious, with the person often needing more time to respond.

Even then, their responses might be less articulate or coherent than before. Tasks that require quick decision-making can become particularly challenging, and the person might avoid activities they previously enjoyed due to the increased cognitive effort required.

This slowed thinking is due to damage in specific regions of the brain. When blood flow to these regions is decreased, the brain cells’ functioning is disrupted, leading to the slowing down of cognitive processes. As with other symptoms of vascular dementia, this slowing of thought becomes more pronounced as the disease progresses. (2)

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