Fact 5: Gaucher’s Disease – The Hidden Burden of Anemia
While Gaucher’s Disease manifests in a variety of physical signs, one of its often overlooked repercussions is anemia. This condition, characterized by a deficiency of red cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, is a common but serious manifestation in Gaucher’s patients.
Anemia, in the context of Gaucher’s Disease, arises from the body’s immune system destroying red blood cells faster than they can be produced. This rapid destruction is brought on by the accumulation of glucocerebroside, leading to fewer red blood cells carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. The consequence? Persistent fatigue and weakness, a common complaint amongst Gaucher’s patients.
But fatigue isn’t the only symptom associated with anemia in Gaucher’s patients. Shortness of breath, dizziness, or even angina (chest pain) can occur. These signs often fly under the radar, mistakenly attributed to general weariness or other common ailments.
Anemia in Gaucher’s patients is not a symptom to be overlooked. It can significantly impair quality of life and can be a marker of disease severity. Therefore, a thorough understanding and acknowledgment of this hidden burden of Gaucher’s Disease are essential for healthcare providers.(5)