Symptom 6: A Different Rhythm – Physical Coordination Issues

While our bodies might seem like well-oiled machines, effortlessly coordinating a multitude of tasks, for those with Asperger’s Syndrome, this isn’t always the case. Much like deciphering non-verbal cues, the challenge of coordinating and controlling their physical movements can feel like trying to tune an instrument that constantly goes out of key.
At a glance, their movements might seem clumsy or uncoordinated. But behind this facade is a brain working overtime, trying to synchronize a multitude of actions that many take for granted. Simple tasks like tying shoelaces, catching a ball, or even maintaining a steady gait can require conscious effort and focus.
This isn’t merely a matter of physical dexterity. It intertwines with their social experiences. Imagine trying to join a game of catch or a dance, conscious of every move and its potential misstep. This heightened awareness can sometimes exacerbate their feelings of being ‘different’ or ‘out of sync’ with those around them.
However, it’s crucial to note that these coordination challenges don’t define their abilities. Many with Asperger’s Syndrome possess unique talents and skills that aren’t limited by their physical coordination issues. Some might excel in arts, academics, or other fields where their distinct perspective and focus give them an edge. (6)