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2. The Connection Between ONJ and Medications

The Connection Between ONJ and Medications

The link between certain medications and ONJ is a significant aspect of this condition that cannot be overlooked. Bisphosphonates, drugs commonly used to treat osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions, have been closely associated with an increased risk of developing ONJ. These medications aim to strengthen bones but, paradoxically, can lead to serious jawbone issues in some individuals.

It is crucial for patients and healthcare providers alike to be aware of this connection. Those taking bisphosphonates should be monitored closely for any signs of ONJ, and preventive dental check-ups are highly recommended. In cases where ONJ development is suspected, immediate medical and dental intervention is imperative.

In addition to bisphosphonates, other medications such as steroids and certain cancer treatment drugs can also increase the risk of ONJ. Patients with a history of taking these medications should be vigilant about their oral health, reporting any irregularities to their healthcare provider promptly. Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene can play a significant role in preventing the onset of ONJ in these individuals.

Understanding the connection between certain medications and ONJ is vital. It allows patients and healthcare providers to take proactive steps in monitoring and managing the condition, potentially preventing its onset or mitigating its severity. Knowledge in this area is a powerful tool, one that can significantly impact the management and outcome of ONJ. (2)

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