Unlocking the Mysteries of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Symptoms, Treatments, and Essential Care Tips

4. The Role of Dental Procedures in ONJ

The Role of Dental Procedures in ONJ

Dental procedures play a significant role in the onset and progression of ONJ. In some cases, dental surgery, such as tooth extractions, can trigger the development of ONJ, particularly in individuals at higher risk due to medication use or underlying health conditions. Understanding this connection is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers.

Before undergoing dental procedures, patients at risk of ONJ should inform their dentist of any medications they are taking, particularly bisphosphonates or other drugs linked to ONJ. This information allows the dentist to take preventive measures, potentially mitigating the risk of ONJ development. In some cases, alternative treatment options may be considered to minimize the risk.

For individuals who have already developed ONJ, dental procedures require careful consideration and planning. The condition of the jawbone must be taken into account, and any procedures must be carried out with the utmost care to prevent further deterioration. In some cases, dental work may need to be postponed until the ONJ is managed and the risk of complications is reduced.

Understanding the role of dental procedures in ONJ is essential for both prevention and management of the condition. Through careful planning, communication, and consideration of the patient’s overall health, the risks associated with dental work can be minimized, leading to better outcomes for those affected by ONJ. (4)

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