Unmasking Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma: Top 10 Symptoms to Watch For

Symptom 7. Shortness of Breath: AITL’s Breathing Barrier

Shortness of Breath AITL’s Breathing Barrier

Breathing, a fundamental and mostly involuntary function, can become challenging for some AITL patients. Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, isn’t just a mere panting post-exercise. It’s an unexpected and sometimes distressing gasping, even with minimal exertion.

AITL, by influencing various organs and systems, can indirectly affect lung function. The lymph nodes near the lungs can enlarge, pressing against air passages, causing a feeling of constriction. Furthermore, the lymphoma can also trigger fluid accumulation around the lungs, further complicating the breathing process.

This symptom is not just physically challenging; it can also be mentally taxing. The simple act of breathing, often taken for granted, suddenly becomes a conscious effort. Climbing a flight of stairs or walking short distances can become daunting tasks, instilling a sense of fragility. (7)

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