Unmasking Herpesviral Encephalitis: 15 Crucial Facts to Know

Fact 7: HSE is not Limited to Adults

HSE is not Limited to Adults

While adults can and do contract HSE, it’s crucial to remember that the condition is not age-specific. Infants and children can also be affected by HSE. This is particularly the case for neonatal herpes, where HSV is transmitted from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

In infants and young children, HSE can present a unique challenge for diagnosis. The early symptoms might be less specific, manifesting as irritability, difficulty feeding, or even a failure to thrive. As with adults, however, the disease can rapidly progress, underscoring the need for immediate medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Prevention, in this case, can play a pivotal role. Expectant mothers with known herpes simplex infections can take steps to reduce the risk of neonatal transmission. This might include antiviral medication towards the end of pregnancy or opting for a cesarean delivery to minimize the baby’s exposure to the virus. (7)

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