4. Lifestyle and External Triggers: The Sleep Saboteurs

While the previously discussed causes are more intrinsic, sleep apnea can often be exacerbated or even caused by lifestyle factors and external triggers. The choices we make daily, from our diet to our bedtime routine, play a massive role in how our body responds during sleep.
Factors like excessive alcohol consumption, sedatives, and even certain medications can relax the muscles of the throat too much. Couple that with sleeping on your back, and you’ve got a recipe for increased airway obstruction. Additionally, nasal congestion from allergies or other conditions can restrict airflow, making it harder to breathe through the nose.
It’s not just about what you consume, but also about body health. Obesity remains one of the prime external triggers. Excess fat, especially around the neck, can narrow the airway and increase the risk of its tissues collapsing.
The silver lining here is that, since these triggers are external, they often can be controlled or modified. From positional therapies to weight loss programs and addressing allergies, several strategies can combat these sleep saboteurs effectively. (4)