Symptom 2: Swelling or Lumps in the Neck

Swelling or lumps in the neck often set off alarm bells, and rightly so. A lump in the neck can be a key symptom of head and neck cancer, specifically cancers of the mouth, throat, or thyroid. However, not all lumps are malignant; they could also be a result of a less severe condition like a simple infection or a benign cyst.
These lumps are typically painless, at least in the early stages, which can make it easy to ignore them. They can appear anywhere in the neck, from under the jaw to the collarbone. The lumps might be visible or could be felt under the skin.
Regardless of whether they cause discomfort or not, any new or persisting lump should prompt a visit to the doctor. While it might turn out to be nothing serious, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. A healthcare professional will be able to carry out the necessary tests to determine the cause and advise on the next steps. (2)