Symptom 6: Constant Coughing

While coughing is often dismissed as a symptom of a common cold or an allergic reaction, a persistent cough that doesn’t improve over time may be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as head and neck cancer. This could be especially true if the cough is accompanied by blood, a condition known as hemoptysis.
The cough might be dry or productive, meaning it may or may not bring up mucus. It can be particularly noticeable at night, affecting sleep quality. The cough might also be accompanied by a hoarse voice or a feeling of something stuck in the throat.
If you have a cough that has lasted more than a few weeks, or you’re coughing up blood, don’t delay in seeking medical advice. This could be a crucial early warning sign of head and neck cancer, and early detection is key for successful treatment. (6)