Unmasking Ulcerative Colitis: 20 Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 14. Frequent Urgency to Defecate: An Unsettling Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis

Frequent Urgency to Defecate An Unsettling Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis

One of the unsettling symptoms that individuals with ulcerative colitis (UC) may experience is a frequent urgency to defecate. This symptom can be disruptive and significantly impact a person’s daily life. It is important to understand why this urgency occurs and how it relates to UC.

Inflammation of the colon and rectum, which are characteristic of ulcerative colitis, can lead to an increased sensitivity in the bowel. This heightened sensitivity can cause individuals to feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement, even when the rectum is not full. The urgency can be intense and difficult to control, often resulting in frequent trips to the restroom.

The sensation of urgency may be accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, and bloating. These discomforts can further contribute to the distress caused by the frequent urge to defecate. It is important to note that the urgency may not always be followed by a large or satisfying bowel movement. This can be frustrating and can lead to feelings of incomplete evacuation.(14)

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