Symptom 4. Fatigue: The Unseen Burden of Ulcerative Colitis
Fatigue is a less obvious, yet pervasive symptom of ulcerative colitis. Living with a chronic illness like UC can be physically and emotionally exhausting. The constant discomfort, the frequent trips to the bathroom, and the overall uncertainty about when and how the symptoms might flare up can all contribute to a feeling of persistent tiredness or fatigue.
Furthermore, UC-related fatigue isn’t the kind that can be easily alleviated with a good night’s sleep. It’s a deep-seated weariness that persists despite rest, often making it difficult to perform daily tasks and engage in social activities.
There are several reasons why UC can cause fatigue. Chronic inflammation in the body, as seen in UC, can lead to the release of certain proteins called cytokines that promote a feeling of tiredness. Additionally, frequent diarrhea can lead to dehydration and loss of nutrients, both of which can sap your energy levels. (4)