Symptom 7. Joint Pain: The Unexpected Link to Ulcerative Colitis
Joint pain can often be attributed to overuse, injury, or age-related wear and tear. However, in the context of ulcerative colitis, joint pain can be an unexpected yet significant symptom. This may seem surprising, given that UC primarily affects the colon and rectum. But as an autoimmune disorder, UC can spur the immune system into overdrive, causing inflammation in parts of the body beyond the digestive tract.
When the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells, it can lead to inflammation in the joints. This phenomenon is known as peripheral arthritis, which presents as pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. The knees and ankles are the usual targets, but it can also affect the wrists, elbows, and other joints.
The interesting aspect of this symptom is that it often mirrors the activity of the bowel disease. When UC flares up, the joint pain tends to worsen; when the bowel symptoms are under control, the joint symptoms also improve. (7)