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7. Complications: When HFMD Takes a Severe Turn

Complications When HFMD Takes a Severe Turn

Most individuals diagnosed with HFMD experience a relatively mild illness. However, in some rare instances, severe complications can arise. While these cases are infrequent, understanding them is crucial for overall awareness.

Among children, dehydration can be a concern. The painful sores in the mouth can deter them from drinking fluids, leading to complications. It’s a sneaky problem that, if unnoticed, can escalate.

Neurological complications, though rare, are also a concern. Conditions like viral meningitis or encephalitis can arise from the virus. These can manifest as headaches, increased irritability, or even more severe symptoms.

In very rare cases, HFMD can impact the heart and lungs. Viral myocarditis or pulmonary edema can develop, although these instances are extremely uncommon and are often a result of a specific strain of the virus. (7)

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