Fact 11: The Role of Age and Genetics

While typically associated with young adults, pericoronitis doesn’t exclusively pick its victims based on age alone. The age range when wisdom teeth begin to emerge, usually between 17 and 25, is undoubtedly a prime time for this condition. However, factors like genetics play a significant role in one’s predisposition. Some families might notice a pattern, where several members encounter similar wisdom teeth or gum challenges.
Genetics can influence the size and shape of our jaws, which subsequently affects how our teeth fit. If there’s a familial history of smaller jaws or larger teeth, the chances of wisdom teeth causing trouble increases. Similarly, the timeline for when these teeth decide to show up can also be passed down genetically.
Age-wise, while younger folks are the more common crowd at the dentist’s office grappling with pericoronitis, older adults aren’t entirely off the hook. Delayed eruptions can, and do, happen. Whether due to genetic factors or other reasons, wisdom teeth might decide to emerge later in life, bringing with them the potential for pericoronitis.
It’s essential, then, to keep a close eye on our dental health regardless of our age. Regular dental check-ups can flag any impending issues, including the status of those tricky wisdom teeth. Being proactive and aware, especially if you’re aware of a family history of dental challenges, can make all the difference.
Lastly, while you can’t change your genes, you can certainly arm yourself with knowledge and be on the lookout for early signs. That way, you’re better prepared to handle, prevent, or treat any issues that might crop up, pericoronitis included. (11)