Unraveling the Mystery: 15 Signs of Heart Problems and Symptoms of Heart Issues in Women

13. Snoring or Sleep Apnea – The Noisy Nudge towards Heart Risk

Snoring or Sleep Apnea - The Noisy Nudge towards Heart Risk

The thirteenth sign, snoring or sleep apnea, is one that’s often overlooked. Although snoring is a common condition and often harmless, heavy snoring that includes gasping or choking could be a sign of a serious sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This condition, where breathing stops and starts during sleep, can lead to numerous health complications, including heart problems.

In obstructive sleep apnea, the most common type, the soft tissues of the throat relax and collapse during sleep, blocking the airway. This can cause oxygen levels in the blood to drop, forcing the heart to work harder and increasing blood pressure – a significant risk factor for heart disease. Over time, untreated sleep apnea can weaken the heart muscle and lead to heart rhythm problems and even heart failure.

Unfortunately, sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed as the sufferer might not realize their breathing is being interrupted during sleep. Therefore, it’s crucial to listen to the clues your body may be giving you.

Are you often tired despite a full night’s sleep? Does your partner complain about your loud snoring? These could be signs that it’s time to speak with a healthcare provider about sleep apnea. (13)

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