Symptom 4: Feeding Difficulties

Feeding difficulties are a common and challenging symptom in newborns with Bochdalek hernia. The displacement of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity can create physical barriers and disruptions, turning the simple act of feeding into a complex and frustrating ordeal for both baby and parents. These little ones may struggle to latch on, may gag or choke during feeds, and may exhibit a general disinterest or inability to feed effectively. It’s a distressing scenario, one that requires patience, understanding, and medical intervention.
The cause of these feeding difficulties is rooted in the physical disruptions caused by the Bochdalek hernia. The displaced organs can press on the esophagus, disrupting the normal swallowing mechanism and making it difficult for the baby to feed. The baby may become fatigued quickly, as the effort required to overcome these physical barriers takes its toll.
Recognizing and addressing feeding difficulties in newborns with Bochdalek hernia is crucial. These little ones need proper nutrition to grow and thrive, and feeding difficulties can quickly lead to malnutrition and failure to thrive if not promptly addressed. Parents play a critical role in monitoring their baby’s feeding, noting any difficulties, and seeking medical help when needed.
The management of feeding difficulties in the context of Bochdalek hernia often involves a multi-disciplinary approach. Lactation consultants, speech therapists, and pediatricians may all play a role in helping to manage and overcome these challenges. In some cases, alternative feeding methods, such as tube feeding, may be required to ensure that the baby receives adequate nutrition while the underlying issue is addressed.
Surgical intervention to repair the diaphragmatic hernia is typically the definitive solution for addressing feeding difficulties in babies with Bochdalek hernia. By correcting the anatomy and alleviating the pressure on the esophagus, these babies are often able to feed more effectively, paving the way for growth and development. (4)