Unraveling Throat Cancer: Spotting the 10 Early Signs and Symptoms

Symptom 6: Swollen Lymph Nodes: The Hidden Sign

Swollen Lymph Nodes The Hidden Sign

Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures scattered throughout our body, functioning as vital components of our immune system. They act as filters, trapping harmful substances, including cancer cells. When lymph nodes in the neck region become swollen or enlarged, it can be a hidden sign of throat cancer.

Typically, a healthy lymph node is hardly detectable by touch. However, when they swell, they can become palpable and sometimes visible as bumps under the skin. This swelling is often a response to infections, as the lymph nodes increase in size to produce more white blood cells. However, persistently swollen lymph nodes, especially those in the neck, may indicate throat cancer.

A growing throat cancer can infiltrate the lymphatic channels, causing blockages and subsequent swelling of the lymph nodes. Alternatively, cancer cells can break off from the original tumor and travel to nearby lymph nodes, causing them to enlarge.(6)

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