Unraveling Throat Cancer: Spotting the 10 Early Signs and Symptoms

Symptom 7: Ear Pain: An Unexpected Symptom

Ear Pain An Unexpected Symptom

Ear pain might seem unrelated to throat cancer, but it’s actually a common early symptom. This is due to the interconnected nature of the ear, nose, and throat, often referred to as the ENT region.

In throat cancer, the tumor can press on nerves that lead to the ear, causing pain or discomfort. This pain is often described as a constant ache that doesn’t go away. It could be present in one or both ears and might even lead to hearing loss in some cases.

But why does throat cancer cause ear pain? The throat and the ear are connected by a series of nerves. When a tumor develops in the throat, it can press on these nerves, leading to referred pain in the ear. This is why ear pain can be an early sign of throat cancer. (7)

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