Unraveling Throat Cancer: Spotting the 10 Early Signs and Symptoms

Symptom 9: Changes in Skin: The Visible Warning

Changes in Skin The Visible Warning

As the largest organ of the human body, the skin serves multiple purposes, including acting as a barrier against external pathogens, regulating body temperature, and being an indicator of overall health. Hence, any noticeable changes in the skin, particularly in the neck region, could serve as a visible warning for conditions like throat cancer.

One such change to watch out for is a red or white patch in the skin, particularly around the neck or facial area. Such patches can indicate a condition called erythroplakia or leukoplakia, which, although not cancerous by themselves, can be precursors to cancer. These patches, especially when persistent, should not be ignored.

Another visible sign may be persistent sores on the face, neck, or mouth that bleed easily and do not heal within two weeks. Often dismissed as minor cuts or bruises, these sores could potentially be indicative of cancerous growth and should warrant immediate medical attention.

Furthermore, you may notice changes in the texture or color of the skin, appearing hard or leathery, often with visible thickening. This could be a sign of a skin condition called hyperkeratosis, often associated with cancer. (9)

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