Symptom 2: Red and Swollen Tonsils

Red and swollen tonsils are hallmark signs of tonsillitis, easily observed during a physical examination. These symptoms indicate the body’s inflammatory response to an infection. The redness and swelling can vary in severity, sometimes accompanied by white or yellow patches, indicative of pus formation in more severe bacterial infections.
The swelling of the tonsils is a protective response by the immune system. When tonsils encounter viral or bacterial pathogens, they swell and become inflamed, attempting to prevent the spread of infection. However, this can lead to discomfort and difficulties in swallowing.
The appearance of the tonsils can provide clues about the underlying infection. Viral infections often result in red and inflamed tonsils without pus, whereas bacterial infections, particularly streptococcal infections, may lead to the formation of pus-filled spots on the tonsils.
Recognizing the nature of the infection based on the appearance of the tonsils is crucial for determining the appropriate treatment. Viral tonsillitis typically resolves without specific treatment, while bacterial tonsillitis may require antibiotic therapy.
It’s important to monitor changes in the appearance of the tonsils, as worsening symptoms may indicate a more severe infection or a complication. Regular observation, coupled with symptomatic treatment such as pain relief and maintaining hydration, is essential in managing this symptom of tonsillitis. (2)