3. Constipation: IBS’s Sluggish Side

IBS-driven constipation isn’t just about infrequent bowel movements. It’s about the struggle, the strain, and the unsatisfactory feeling post-evacuation. The stools are often hard and lumpy, making the passage quite an ordeal. This difficulty is what differentiates IBS-related constipation from its generic counterpart.
Water absorption in the colon has a significant role to play here. If the colon absorbs too much water or if the muscle contractions are sluggish, it leads to hard stools, making them tough to pass. This isn’t merely a dietary aftermath; it’s the body’s mechanism going awry.
The feeling post a bowel movement is equally telling. Most people with IBS-related constipation don’t feel the sense of complete evacuation. This lingering sensation can be disheartening, often leaving them feeling bloated or with a heaviness in the abdomen.
Apart from the physical discomfort, it’s the toll on mental well-being that’s concerning. The continuous preoccupation with the next bowel movement, the anticipation, and the disappointment can be mentally exhausting. It’s a cycle of hope, effort, and often, disillusionment.
But there’s always hope. Hydration, specific yoga postures, and even certain fruits can sometimes ease the passage. Incorporating these into daily routines can bring about significant relief, making life a tad easier for those grappling with this symptom. (3)