Unveiling the 5 Stages of Basal-Cell Carcinoma

Stage 2: The Growing Concern

The Growing Concern

Progressing from its sneaky beginnings, Stage 2 of BCC is where things get real. At this juncture, the tumor, while still superficial, begins to stretch, growing but not exceeding 2 centimeters. Its camouflage starts to fade, revealing more of its true nature. If Stage 1 was about doubt, Stage 2 moves into the territory of undeniable presence.

The change is evident. What began as a barely noticeable shiny bump in Stage 1 is now more pronounced. A red or pinkish patch might emerge, looking somewhat like eczema or psoriasis. Alternatively, a persistent open sore that bleeds, oozes, or crusts, refusing to heal for weeks, might become the face of BCC at this stage.

But it’s not just about visuals. Stage 2 of BCC doesn’t limit its effects to the skin’s surface. It begins to ‘communicate’. This might mean an itch that’s incessant or a bout of discomfort. At times, the affected area might bleed, especially when touched or after a light scratch. It’s the carcinoma’s way of signaling that it’s there and growing. (2)

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