Stage 3: The Deepening Intrusion

As we move into Stage 3, we witness BCC’s ambition. No longer content with being a surface menace, the tumor decides to penetrate deeper, moving beyond the epidermis into surrounding tissues. It’s like a tree, what was once just a sapling on the surface has now started to root firmly into the ground, getting harder to pull out.
The skin changes become more glaring. The lesion might become more raised or even ulcerate. Its size, texture, and color might vary, but the most defining feature is its persistence. A scar-like area might develop, often white or yellow in color, which can be deceptive because, in reality, there’s no injury there that healed to leave a scar behind.
Touching the lesion can bring forth a mix of sensations. While it might feel tough in parts, there could also be areas that are notably softer, almost akin to the feel of a sac filled with fluid. This is often a clear indication that the carcinoma is reaching new depths, affecting both the skin and the tissues underneath.
At this stage, the BCC begins to show its teeth. If left unchecked, it can destroy surrounding tissues and even bones. Its resilience becomes evident. While it’s not known to spread to distant body parts, its localized aggression is a force to reckon with. Every sign points towards a more urgent need for intervention. (3)