Unveiling the Enigma: Top 10 Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

5. Intense Anger and Difficulty Controlling It – The Volcano Within

Intense Anger and Difficulty Controlling It – The Volcano Within

Anger is a natural human emotion, but for those dealing with BPD, it often exists on a hair-trigger. This intense anger can manifest with minimal provocation and can be challenging to dial back once it erupts. It’s as if a dormant volcano within them is always on the brink of eruption.

The expression of this intense anger varies and can range from irritability to full-blown rage. It’s not always explosive; sometimes it simmers below the surface, manifesting as passive-aggressive behavior or cold withdrawal from social interactions. The common thread is the difficulty in managing this intense emotional state.

While the anger can be directed outwardly, causing strain in relationships and social situations, it’s often turned inward. Self-hate, self-harm, and other inward-focused behaviors are not uncommon as a form of punishing oneself for perceived failures or shortcomings.(5)

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