Unveiling the Enigma: Top 10 Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

6. Chronic Feelings of Emptiness – The Void Within

Chronic Feelings of Emptiness – The Void Within

If you’re grappling with BPD, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced this nagging feeling of emptiness that just won’t go away. It’s like carrying around a bottomless pit inside you that no amount of love, success, or material possession seems to fill. This chronic emptiness isn’t just a fleeting feeling; it’s an ongoing emotional state that seems almost inescapable.

In a desperate quest to fill this void, you may find yourself engaging in behaviors that offer temporary relief but are ultimately detrimental. Substance abuse, binge-eating, or even excessive shopping can seem like ways to escape the emptiness, but in reality, they only add to it, making the hole even deeper.

Sometimes this sense of emptiness manifests not as a feeling of lack, but as emotional numbness. It’s as though you’re wandering through life wrapped in a thick fog that dampens all emotional stimuli, both good and bad. This numbness can make even significant life events feel trivial and unimportant, robbing you of the joy and sadness that make life’s ups and downs.

The chronic nature of this emptiness often leads to existential questioning: “Why do I feel like this, and why won’t it go away?” Though the triggers can vary from person to person, it usually stems from deep-seated emotional issues that may require professional help to unravel. Yet, the very persistence of this symptom can also make sufferers reluctant to seek help, thereby perpetuating the cycle. (6)

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