Cause 4: The Age Factor in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Age presents a notable risk factor for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, with two distinct age groups being particularly affected: young adults aged 15-30, and older adults over 55. It’s unclear why these groups are more vulnerable, but the trend is consistently observed in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases.
In younger adults, the incidence of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma may be tied to various biological and environmental factors that occur during this formative stage of life. During this period, the body undergoes significant changes, and the immune system develops and matures. Any disruptions in these processes could potentially result in a higher risk of developing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Conversely, in older adults, the increased risk of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma could be attributed to age-related declines in immune function or accumulated exposure to various risk factors over a lifetime. The body’s natural defenses against diseases like cancer diminish with age, making older adults more susceptible.
Despite the increased incidence in these two age groups, it’s essential to note that Hodgkin’s Lymphoma can occur at any age. Age is just one factor among many that contribute to an individual’s overall risk profile. (4)