Unveiling the Mystery: 10 Key Symptoms of Infectious Mononucleosis

3. Fever and Chills: The Fluctuating Temperatures of Mononucleosis

Fever and Chills The Fluctuating Temperatures of Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis often makes a dramatic entrance, marked by a sudden and significant rise in body temperature. Fevers of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher are not uncommon and can be quite persistent, lasting for up to two weeks in some cases.

But it’s not just about the heat. The fever is often accompanied by chills, creating a rollercoaster of body temperature fluctuations that can be both physically and emotionally draining for the patient.

This is the body’s way of fighting off the Epstein-Barr Virus, but it comes at a cost. The elevated body temperature is often uncomfortable and can exacerbate the already crippling fatigue associated with Mononucleosis.

Managing the fever is a key component of patient comfort and overall care. Healthcare professionals often recommend antipyretic (fever-reducing) medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help control the fever. Hydration and rest are equally important, as the body can dehydrate faster when the temperature is high. (3)

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