Unveiling the Twilight Mystery: Understanding the 10 Symptoms of Sundown Syndrome

3. Agitation – The Storm Within

Agitation – The Storm Within

When agitation takes hold of a sundowning individual, it’s akin to a tempest brewing within them. Suddenly, the person who was calm and relaxed during the day becomes restless and upset as the evening approaches, highlighting a stark contrast that can be baffling for caregivers.

Agitation can take various forms. It might be as subtle as constant fidgeting or as overt as pacing around the room. Some individuals may express their restlessness verbally, becoming excessively talkative or argumentative.

Others might resort to repetitive behaviors, like opening and closing a door or rearranging items repeatedly. The common thread in all these manifestations is an overwhelming sense of restlessness that seems to sync with the setting sun.

The agitation isn’t just distressing for the individual; it’s also physically exhausting. The ceaseless restlessness can make it hard for them to relax or sleep, further fueling their agitation and creating a vicious cycle. Additionally, this heightened state of agitation can potentially lead to aggressive behaviors, posing a safety concern for both the individual and those around them.

As with previous symptoms, sundowning isn’t the sole cause of agitation in dementia patients. Conditions such as discomfort, pain, or even a urinary tract infection can cause similar symptoms. Therefore, any new or increased agitation should warrant a comprehensive check-up to rule out other potential causes before attributing it to sundown syndrome.

Next, we move on to a more physical symptom of sundowning—wandering. (3)

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