Unveiling the Twilight Mystery: Understanding the 10 Symptoms of Sundown Syndrome

6. Paranoia – Dusk’s Web of Distrust

Paranoia - Dusk's Web of Distrust

Paranoia is another psychological symptom that sundown syndrome can usher in with the setting sun. Individuals may become suspicious of those around them, even those they were perfectly comfortable with during the day. They might accuse others of theft, betrayal, or ill intentions, driving a wedge in their relationships.

This mistrust isn’t baseless—at least, not in their minds. Remember, their perception is altered, their reality warped. To them, these fears and accusations are real and valid, further fueling their anxiety and agitation.

Paranoia can put immense strain on relationships, making caregiving even more challenging. It can also be distressing for the individual, as they feel isolated and misunderstood in their fears. As caregivers, understanding and empathy can go a long way in managing this symptom.

However, just like with other symptoms, paranoia can have other causes, including certain psychiatric disorders or the side effects of medication. Therefore, if a person suddenly starts displaying paranoia, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to explore all possible causes.

Up next, we look at another symptom of sundown syndrome—increased fatigue. (6)

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