Unveiling the Veil: The 10 Alarming Symptoms of Primary CNS Lymphoma You Shouldn’t Ignore

5. Vision Problems: More Than Meets the Eye

Vision Problems More Than Meets the Eye

If your world suddenly turns blurry or you start seeing double, it’s not just a spectacle issue. Vision problems like these can be the first red flags of a much graver issue—PCNSL. Don’t be quick to brush it off as a mere age-related vision decline.

Vision issues in PCNSL often arise due to the tumors pressing against the optic nerve or other parts responsible for visual information processing. This pressure disrupts the normal functioning of your vision, leading to various problems ranging from blurriness to blind spots.

Visual impairments significantly affect daily life, from limiting your driving ability to affecting work performance. The emotional strain accompanying these changes can lead to anxiety or depression, further emphasizing the severity of this symptom.(5)

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