Wanderers in Slumber: Understanding the 10 Signs of Sleepwalking

10. Interrupted Sleep Cycles: The Disrupted Rhythms of Somnambulists

Interrupted Sleep Cycles The Disrupted Rhythms of Somnambulists

Sleepwalking episodes often disrupt the natural flow of sleep cycles. Instead of smoothly transitioning from one sleep stage to another, sleepwalkers might find themselves oscillating between stages, particularly between deep sleep and lighter sleep phases.

This oscillation, while not directly observable, has implications. The quality of rest a sleepwalker gets can be compromised. Though they might spend adequate hours in bed, the actual restorative sleep they receive can be less than optimal.

The body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, guides sleep patterns. For sleepwalkers, this rhythm gets disrupted, leading to periods of wakefulness interspersed with sleep. The result? They might wake up feeling fatigued, even after a seemingly long night’s sleep.

Studying these interrupted cycles, researchers have gleaned insights into the sleepwalker’s brain. The brainwave patterns, unique to somnambulists, showcase the intricacies of sleep and the variables that can influence it. (10)

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