Wanderers in Slumber: Understanding the 10 Signs of Sleepwalking

4. Lack of Responsiveness: The Enigmatic Barrier of Sleepwalking

Lack of Responsiveness The Enigmatic Barrier of Sleepwalking

One of the hallmarks of sleepwalking is an evident barrier between the sleepwalker and the external world. When attempting to communicate or interact with a sleepwalker, there’s often a distinct lack of responsiveness. They might seem deeply engrossed in their actions, utterly oblivious to outside stimuli.

This isn’t a mere act of ignoring; it’s as if they’re enveloped in a bubble, separating them from external influences. Voices might go unheard, touches unnoticed, and even bright lights might fail to elicit a reaction. This barrier is both physical and psychological.

What’s captivating is that this lack of response isn’t consistent. At times, a sleepwalker might react to a familiar voice, while at others, even a loud noise goes unacknowledged. It’s as though there’s selective filtering of stimuli, dictated by the depths of the somnambulistic state.

Though enveloped in their world, sleepwalkers aren’t entirely isolated. Some stimuli, especially those associated with danger, might pierce the barrier. The sound of shattering glass or an abrupt touch could rouse them to a semi-aware state. (4)

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