Cause 8. The Chronic Inflammation Paradox: When Body’s Defense Turns Adversary

Inflammation, at its core, is a protective response. It’s the body’s way of defending itself against injuries, infections, and harmful invaders. However, sometimes, this defense mechanism can persist longer than necessary, leading to chronic inflammation – a state where the body remains on high alert.
Chronic inflammation creates a backdrop of constant cellular activity. The body is continuously repairing, reacting, and regenerating. However, in this whirlwind of action, cells can sometimes go awry, leading to the type of uncontrollable growth seen in cancers like NHL.
Several lifestyle factors, from stress to sedentary habits, can exacerbate chronic inflammation. The modern lifestyle, with its processed foods and continual stressors, often acts as a catalyst, keeping the inflammatory fires burning.
Additionally, chronic infections can also be culprits. For instance, Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium linked to ulcers, can lead to chronic inflammation in the stomach, which may elevate the risk for certain types of NHL. (8)