13. Nighttime Woes: How Sleep Affects Gastritis

When the moon rises and we finally shut our eyes, our bodies go to work. Processes you’d never even think about during your waking hours take the stage. For those with chronic gastritis, sleep—or the lack thereof—can be a major factor.
Our digestive systems are not entirely shut down when we sleep. In fact, they’re working hard to repair and rejuvenate, especially if you’ve got chronic gastritis. The stomach lining, assaulted by the day’s acidity and food, begins its nocturnal healing process. What happens if you’re not getting enough shut-eye? The process is hampered.
Sleep is also when our bodies balance a variety of hormones. Among these, the stress hormone cortisol takes a bow. Elevated cortisol levels are often associated with inflammation—something you want to avoid when managing chronic gastritis.
Perhaps you’re someone who thinks they can ‘catch up’ on sleep. Bad news. Inconsistent sleep schedules can disrupt not only your circadian rhythms but also your gut’s internal clock. The stomach, it seems, has its own routine, and disrupting it can exacerbate gastritis symptoms. (13)