6. Alcohol’s Role: A Not-So-Happy Hour for Your Stomach

We’ve all heard that moderation is key, especially when it comes to alcohol. Well, with chronic gastritis, this phrase takes on a whole new level of meaning. Alcohol can be more than just a buzzkill; it could be a stomach-killer in the context of this condition.
Alcohol disrupts the protective mucosal lining in your stomach. You see, your stomach lining is pretty fantastic—it generally holds its own against stomach acid, thanks to a layer of mucus. But when alcohol comes into the picture, that mucosal lining can become compromised, leading to inflammation. That’s gastritis 101 for you.
Hold on; it gets murkier. Ethanol, a type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, increases stomach acid secretion. In a healthy gut, the acid is balanced, doing its job of breaking down food. But when there’s an excess? That can irritate the stomach lining, worsen inflammation, and bring on that all-too-familiar burning sensation.
But let’s switch gears and talk about binge drinking. Sure, the occasional glass of wine might not set off chronic gastritis, but binge drinking sure can. Not only does it flood your system with acid, but it also dehydrates you, adding another layer of stress to your already irritated stomach lining.
So, what’s the takeaway? Well, if you’re dealing with chronic gastritis, it might be worth rethinking that nightly glass of wine or weekend bender. Awareness of alcohol’s role in this condition can help you make smarter choices, helping you enjoy a happier hour—gastritis-free. (6)