What is Akathisia? Recognizing its 10 Key Symptoms

Symptom 10. Depersonalization: The Eroding Self in Akathisia

Depersonalization The Eroding Self in Akathisia

Among the emotional turmoil, depersonalization emerges as a lesser-known but equally disquieting symptom of akathisia. This sensation of being detached from oneself can be both confusing and distressing. But how does depersonalization fit into the akathisia picture, and how does it affect those dealing with the condition?

Depersonalization in the context of akathisia is intrinsically tied to the ceaseless restlessness. The relentless internal motion can create a disconnection between the mind and body, leading to feelings of watching oneself from an outside perspective. It’s like being an observer in your own body, creating a jarring disconnection that can be both disorienting and distressing.

This disconnection can be amplified by the physical and emotional strain of akathisia. The ongoing battle against restlessness, the sleep deprivation, the heightened anxiety – all these factors can contribute to the feelings of depersonalization, creating a vicious cycle that further exacerbates the condition.

The impact of depersonalization isn’t confined to the individual’s internal experience. It can bleed into social interactions, creating a sense of distance even when interacting with close friends or family. It can also affect one’s self-perception and identity, making individuals feel like they’re losing touch with who they are. (10)

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