What is Akathisia? Recognizing its 10 Key Symptoms

Symptom 6. Difficulty Sitting Still: The Unbearable Stillness of Akathisia

Difficulty Sitting Still The Unbearable Stillness of Akathisia

One of the classic indicators of akathisia is the inability to sit still. A seemingly simple task becomes an arduous endeavor. But why is stillness such an unbearable experience for those affected by akathisia, and what does this struggle look like?

People with akathisia don’t merely fidget or shift in their seats. Their discomfort is so profound that staying still feels akin to an act of tremendous willpower. They are often seen rocking back and forth, crossing and uncrossing their legs, pacing, or engaging in other forms of movement to mitigate their discomfort.

This restlessness isn’t a choice or a habit—it’s a compulsion. It’s akin to the overwhelming urge to scratch an intense itch. This struggle for stillness is not just physically draining, but it also takes a significant emotional toll, leading to feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and isolation.

The difficulty with stillness can ripple outwards, impacting various facets of life. Social outings, work meetings, even a peaceful dinner with family can turn into daunting tasks. The constant need for movement becomes a barrier, separating those with akathisia from experiences that others might take for granted.(6)

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