What is Akathisia? Recognizing its 10 Key Symptoms

Symptom 7. Impaired Social Functioning: The Isolation of Akathisia

Impaired Social Functioning The Isolation of Akathisia

Beyond the physical restlessness, akathisia can bear an insidious symptom – impaired social functioning. Though this might seem less immediate than the physical manifestations, it’s a serious consequence that drastically affects an individual’s quality of life. But what does this social impairment entail and how does it manifest in those grappling with akathisia?

Impaired social functioning doesn’t necessarily imply a diminished capacity for interaction or communication. Rather, it’s a ripple effect of the relentless restlessness. Imagine trying to engage in a meaningful conversation while battling an unyielding urge to move. The continuous internal distraction makes it arduous to concentrate on social interactions, thereby impacting relationships and social life.

There’s also the stigma and misunderstanding associated with akathisia to contend with. The incessant restlessness can be misunderstood as impatience, anxiety, or rudeness. This misunderstanding can lead to a sense of isolation, where the individual feels detached from those around them, amplifying feelings of loneliness.

Furthermore, the social implications of akathisia extend into the professional realm. The difficulty in staying still can make long meetings or work schedules challenging. Concentration, a crucial aspect of professional life, can also be affected by the constant internal turmoil. The cumulative effect can lead to decreased job performance and dissatisfaction.(7)

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