What is Akathisia? Recognizing its 10 Key Symptoms

Symptom 9. Panic Attacks: The Heightened Anxiety in Akathisia

Panic Attacks The Heightened Anxiety in Akathisia

Panic attacks aren’t unique to akathisia but when combined with the ceaseless restlessness, they form a formidable duo that further accentuates the severity of the condition. But how do panic attacks intersect with akathisia, and how do they exacerbate the condition?

Panic attacks are sudden, intense surges of fear or anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, or nausea. They can be triggered by stress, but in the case of akathisia, they’re often intertwined with the constant restlessness. The incessant need to move can generate heightened anxiety, which can culminate in a full-blown panic attack.

The panic attacks compound the already distressing state of restlessness. Imagine not just feeling an irresistible urge to move, but also grappling with an overwhelming sense of fear. It’s akin to being trapped in a cage of anxiety, further amplifying the emotional toll of akathisia.

There’s also the unpredictability of panic attacks to contend with. Their abrupt onset can make individuals feel like they’re losing control, fostering a heightened sense of anxiety. This unpredictability can bleed into everyday life, making routine tasks or interactions anxiety-inducing. (9)

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