What to Expect: 10 Facts About Basal-Cell Carcinoma Prognosis

2. The Slow Growth Factor: Why BCC Takes Its Time

The Slow Growth Factor Why BCC Takes Its Time

One remarkable attribute of Basal-Cell Carcinoma is its slow growth rate. Unlike other cancers that can spread like wildfire, BCC usually grows at a sluggish pace. This characteristic often provides ample time for detection, even for those who aren’t frequently scrutinizing their skin.

That’s not to say that slow growth doesn’t have its downsides. The slow-growing nature of BCC can be deceptive, leading some to underestimate its seriousness. People may not prioritize getting that unusual skin patch looked at, wrongly assuming it’s harmless due to its slow change. This delay could, in worst-case scenarios, lead to unnecessary complications.

Why does BCC grow slowly? There’s a myriad of factors. For instance, the cancer cells in BCC often have a reduced blood supply compared to other types of cancers. This results in slower cellular activity and less aggressive behavior. You could say BCC lacks the ‘fuel’ that feeds more aggressive forms of cancer. (2)

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