7. Age is More Than a Number: Sleep Apnea Across the Lifespan

Ah, youth. A time when most of us think we’re invincible, immune to the health concerns that plague the older generations. But when it comes to sleep apnea, age is far from irrelevant. Starting from infancy, yes infancy, sleep apnea can make its presence known.
In the pediatric population, sleep apnea is often misdiagnosed as “night terrors” or even ADHD. Kids aren’t just fussy or hyperactive; they might actually be struggling to breathe during sleep, leading to behavioral issues and affecting their performance in school.
Then come the middle-aged years, where the incidence of sleep apnea spikes. Hormonal changes, lifestyle factors, and stress contribute to an increased risk. It’s a time of life where people often dismiss symptoms as a “midlife crisis,” ignoring what could be a dangerous underlying condition. (7)