7. Anorexia and Bulimia: Eating Disorders as Instigators

When you hear about eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, you often think about their psychological dimensions. But these conditions have very physical repercussions, one of which can be gastroparesis. The cause and effect might seem backward: disorders involving food intake leading to a condition where the stomach can’t empty properly.
Those suffering from anorexia often experience reduced stomach motility as a result of malnutrition. When the body doesn’t get enough nutrients, several physiological functions take a hit, including digestion. The body goes into a sort of “power-saving” mode, where even essential functions like stomach emptying become lethargic.
For bulimia, the repeated cycle of bingeing and purging can have a traumatic effect on the digestive system. Over time, the stomach lining becomes irritated and inflamed, which can interfere with its natural contractile motions. Unlike other causes, here it’s not just about what’s happening inside the stomach; it’s also the behaviors that put those internal mechanisms at risk. (7)