What’s Up with Your Gut? Ranking 10 Symptoms of Rumination Syndrome

8. Dental Dilemmas: Merycism’s Unseen Impact on Oral Health

Dental Dilemmas Merycism’s Unseen Impact on Oral Health

At face value, dental health and rumination syndrome might seem worlds apart. But delve a little deeper, and the connection becomes evident. Regular regurgitation, even of relatively acid-free content, can have repercussions for oral health.

The first victim is often the enamel — that hard, protective layer on our teeth. Constant exposure to food particles, especially if they’re from sugary or starchy foods, can speed up the wear and tear on the enamel. Over time, this can lead to increased sensitivity or even cavities.

Saliva plays a crucial role here. It’s nature’s way of neutralizing acids and aiding digestion. But with frequent regurgitation, the balance can be tipped. The mouth might become a more acidic environment, further accelerating enamel breakdown.

But it’s not just the teeth. The gums, too, can bear the brunt. They might become inflamed or more prone to bleeding. This isn’t a direct result of the regurgitated food but a consequence of the changed oral environment. (8)

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