What’s Up with Your Gut? Ranking 10 Symptoms of Rumination Syndrome

9. Early Satiety: Feeling Full Too Soon

Early Satiety Feeling Full Too Soon

Another unexpected facet of rumination syndrome is early satiety — the feeling of fullness after consuming a small amount of food. It’s as if the stomach decides it’s had enough, even when it’s barely begun.

This isn’t about a lack of appetite or even a deliberate attempt to eat less. It’s a genuine sensation of fullness, often accompanied by bloating or even mild discomfort. It’s like the stomach’s capacity has been mysteriously reduced.

Now, the science behind this is still evolving. Some theorize that it’s the body’s defense mechanism, trying to prevent further regurgitation episodes by limiting food intake. Others believe it’s due to changes in stomach motility or even muscle function. (9)

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