What’s Your Skin Telling You? Identifying Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica

Symptom 3: The Mottled Skin Appearance: Piecing Together the PLC Puzzle

The Mottled Skin Appearance Piecing Together the PLC Puzzle

The journey of PLC on the skin doesn’t end with papules and pustules. Another fascinating symptom is the mottled appearance the skin takes on. It’s like a puzzle, with patches of skin taking on different shades.

The mottling isn’t consistent throughout. Some areas might exhibit a more pronounced discoloration, while others remain relatively untouched. This patchy presentation can be a visual clue, hinting at the presence of PLC.

What causes this mottling? It’s believed to be the aftermath of the papules and pustules. As they heal and evolve, they can leave behind areas of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. This results in a contrast of light and dark patches on the skin.

The mottled appearance doesn’t just offer visual variety. It also adds a tactile dimension. The affected areas might have a different texture, ranging from rough to smooth, compared to the surrounding unaffected skin.(3)

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