5. Hormonal Shifts: The Tides of Change Impacting Sleep

Throughout our lives, we go through various hormonal changes, some of which can significantly impact sleep. It’s a dance of chemicals, and sometimes the rhythm can go awry, leading to sleepless nights.
Take menopause, for example. Many women report sleep disturbances during this phase. The decline in estrogen can lead to hot flashes, an abrupt feeling of warmth, making sleep uncomfortable. Additionally, this period can see a rise in anxiety or mood swings, which can further hamper sleep.
During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, many women experience sleep disturbances. The physical discomfort of a growing belly, coupled with hormonal surges, can make sleep elusive. Additionally, frequent urination, a common pregnancy symptom, can disrupt continuous rest.
Even monthly menstrual cycles can influence sleep. Progesterone, which sees a spike in the latter half of the cycle, can cause feelings of fatigue but simultaneously make it challenging to fall asleep.
Then there’s the realm of thyroid imbalances. An overactive thyroid can lead to feelings of anxiety or increased metabolic rate, both of which are not conducive to sleep. Conversely, an underactive thyroid can cause fatigue but also lead to conditions like restless leg syndrome.(5)